Previous Bears & Animals

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Show Preview 2

Just a small preview of Le Cirque bunnies that will be at the Teddies Spring show in Timonium,MD this Saturday. hope to see you there.It's at 9615 Dereco road.
I'm pretty much packed for the colder weather, and hopefully have all my hang tags and stickers.
This is a fun show with nice collectors who stay and visit awhile. So I am looking forward to having a good time.

Australian Article

Kim McDonald miniature bear artist and creator of 'Digger' was kind enough to send me the issue of his travels to spend time with me. Digger has been visiting different bear artists in their habitats and going wherever they go.
He went to a Veteran's parade and a gallery showing with me. And then I had to send him on his next adventure. Thanks Kim:)

The magazine is great by the way, full of information, patterns and great bears.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tropical Doll Study Club Show Review 2009

Welcome to Monday morning. The Tropical Doll Study Club can call their Saturday show a success. Some said it was the biggest crowd in a few years and others said this was a show to attend. I listen to the crowds to find out what they are thinking and what they are looking for. A bear collector was expecting more bear artists. But I had fun and had a good show. Everyone was very welcoming and made it fun to be there.The bears at the top all found a new home that's why they are in the popcorn boxes ready to go.

At the show Sherman Antiques, brought some wonderful pieces and had a great display. On the left are some Shoenhut pieces playing marbles, and on the right is a composition Mammy pull toy from the 1920's. Check out their website - They have toys, estate sales etc. If you can go to a show this year, you never know what you'll see, and it's fun even if you can't buy. Hope to see you soon.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Le Cirque(The Circus) Is In Town

The circus is in town, my new collection premieres at the Tropical Doll Club Study groups show tomorrow. And if you knew anything about the past week you know it's always in town at my house. There's something going on over here and wait what's happening over there?!
This is the little elephant that is so happy to say hello to you today. There are other animals, bears of course, and the rabbits are fun. There's a new lion but don't know if he will be finished on time:( but we'll see.

The bear is one of the clown bears whose clothing is part of the bears body. I forgot to note that the elephants don't have striped legs like the other animals. Come to the show if you can, and if you can't check back to see how it went.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I was tagged by Ginger of Bear Bits blog in January and never posted because I didn't know how to post links (still don't) but will go ahead and list six random things about me.

1. I can't swim. Took lessons at camp during the summers but only learned to jump in the water and float a little.
2.I make up silly songs as I'm working around the house and sing them out loud.
3. I never had a teddy bear as a child. Some dolls but no bears.
4.I love to pull potatoes up out of the garden, it fascinates me that they grow underground. And you never know how many you will find or how big they will be.
5. I lost my Mom when I was seven and found God when I was eight. So I wasn't alone.
6. I have moved at least fourteen times in my life and haven't moved for at least the last fourteen years.

If you are on the list below you have been tagged to post 6 random things about you!
The Rules
1.Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write six random things about yourself
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person know they are tagged and leave a comment on their blog
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up
7. Don't break the chain( not actually a rule)

Robert Forman,Bear Hearts
Donna Griffin, Donna and the Bears
I don't know any one else who hasn't been tagged already!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Aha Moment

This is my ticket for the Art of Puppetry & Storytelling program that was held at 3pm today at the Orange County Regional History Center in Orlando. It was part of the programming for the Jim Henson's Fantastic World exhibit being held until May 3, 2009.

It was narrated by his daughter Heather Henson who told wonderful tales of being on set at age seven, just the right size to wear Miss Piggy's clothes! We got to hear how Jim Henson and his collaborators worked and bounced ideas around.
Afterwards we got to see the exhibit. Looking around I was filled with such joy at being able to see his sketchwork and his beginnings of ideas laid out and felt honored. And there were actual Muppets in cases and Fraggle Rock characters and Dark Crystal. and looking at it I told my husband "This is what I do". I'm no Jim Henson but it's that detail and that need to create and the joy in doing it.It's what all artists have in common, the thread that connects us to each others work and I am a part of that. My aha moment- this is what I do- my husband says I've never said that before when looking at somebody's work that I truly admire. Today I gave myself value.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Show Preview

This is the start of a new collection of bears, and other animals , Le Cirque, a French style group of circus influenced pieces. So don't turn your back or you might miss the one you want. They will be one of a kind pieces. All have striped bottom half of their legs. Kind of a signature for the collection.
So come to a show in March and see what new things have blown in. The elephant can't wait to see you, he really wants to turn around and take a peek:)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

March Blew In

March blew in like a lion with storms and here in Florida another freeze that took out my two orchids. I should explain that I have never had much luck with them, they always died in my house. but outside I had kept one alive for almost two years and the last time it bloomed there were so many flowers!
But spring always returns and above are the daylilies that survived, some about to bloom and some in all their wonderful color! They remind me of my childhood, growing up in Ohio, lilies and tulips abound in Cincinnati(an old German town was it's beginnings).
And two of the tree we planted last year that seemed more than dead are actually still alive so please let us get some rain as we are on watering restrictions again already this year. So as you can guess by now i got out of my workroom and into the yard for a brief moment this weekend. I do love gardening, putting in new annuals for spring and seeing the different plants that bloom at different times of the season. Always looks new. That's what spring is, new, changing it up, getting new ideas and trying new things. Hope something new is up for you.


Doll & Bear Show & Sale
Saturday,March 21, 2009
Tropical Doll Study Club
Lake Mirror center
121 South Lake Avenue
Lakeland, Florida

Teddies Spring Show
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Holiday Inn(formerly Day's Inn)
9615 Dereco Road
Timonium, MD
Robin Atkins/ R&C Productions

Hope to see you at the shows, meanwhile the bears and I are at home...Getting ready.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Banner

Friends are people who see you have a need and jump in to help before you even ask. That's what Donna Griffin of Donna and the Bears (visit her blog) did for me. She put my banner together for me because I didn't have one and didn't have a clue how to make one.
Donna, thank you so much and Linz, thank you for posting it for me. A friend and my daughter to the rescue, lucky me to have both.
Now you will be able to find me on 100 Best Bear Artists Blogs easily.

Let me know if you like the new banner:)