Previous Bears & Animals

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memoria Day 2010

This is where I spent Saturday! It was beautiful and peaceful Today some of you wil have ittle peace remembering those who didn't come home for all who have lost a loved one, a family member, a friend for our protection , I am sorry for our loss , grateful for their service and sorry for your pain and suffering. To those who returned, I remember your sacrifices and I thank you. May we all find and rmember the beauty in this life.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

To Market,To Market

It was up early this morning and off to the farmers market with a friend. I don't know about you but the price of vegetables at the stores have been very high. It was nice to get a great selection and great prices.

Here are some beautiful beans and peas I pocked up along with peppers, green, yellow and red.
There were wonderful green onions and herbs. I got mint. For my grrn tea of course. Hehe.
And there is also a flea market that goes on at the same time.
Picked up some prints.

They should be fun for inspiration.
Hope you
have a market nearby to visit!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Greater Orlando Doll Club show review 2010

Went to the show in Maitland to set up, it was a beautiful day and despite the walk/run event also going on, we got a parking space.
Here are some of the new pieces I had for the show, despite forgetting to take my new ducks!

That's my regular 17 inch giraffe with the new smaller 14 inch giraffe.

This is another small guy wearing antique doll clothing.

This is a Johnny Gruelle book I got at the show, look at one of the beautiful illustrations from the inside below.

I also found more old clothing that will look great on some elephants and bears. Look for those soon.
The show had a great turnout and people were buying and staying awhile. It was great. Next year hope to remember the ducks!