Previous Bears & Animals

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Road Home

Greeted by sunny weather and blue skies we started back home Half an hour into the trip my husband crested a hill and saw the police car and the speedometer at the same time!
Did he see him? Yes! One ticket later we were on our way again, much slower pace. Hubby is still getting used to fact this car goes faster than you think you are going. He watched speed more than the road.

Rest of trip was uneventful. Watched (him) and the wonderful clouds that looked like dragons playing in the sky, flying ducks and a stray alligator.
Always good to be home and sleep in your own bed, right LA:)

And I hope you are snug in your own beds too! The bears and I are getting back to preparing for the TBAI show.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Shopping and eating

We've been to the malls the outlet malls and laces I have no idea where we were But we saw this cool old Impala in a parking garage.

At kilwins I got fudge and drooled at these....

I love a good candy apple! And couldn't miss the King of Pops.

I got the raspberry lime, it was so good, want a lick?

Ended the day at Artuzzi's Italian kitchen.

This salmon sandwich had red onions, red peppers, lettuce and tomato a lemon dill caper aioli with roasted salmon of course all on toasted ciabatta. Yummy!
Did you eat today?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Piedmont Park

It was time to get on some exercise(other than yoga for me) so we walked about a mile to piedmont park.

This is the lake that runs through a good part of it. The water looks great.

The ducks were having fun! Good day for a swim.

And this is part of their vegetable and herb garden.
Then it was a mile back home. But we did it. And was still able to move in the morning. That yoga keeps you limber hehe!

Monday, July 19, 2010

We got here

This is what greeted us as soon as we got to Atlanta

Rain! But it cleared soon as we got to our daughters place. She lives in a quaint area with wonderful old houses, most converted into apartments.

These are stairs leading to another apartment complex. So glad I don't have to climb these everyday But then, what great exercise. Think I'll stick to yoga!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Work and Vacation

Hi all.I have been reminded that there haven't been any bear posts lately. so sorry. There has been activity, several bears but because of the dyed nature of the fabric the photos aren't coming out very well. Working on it. Also getting ready for TBAI show but will be visiting my daughter in just a few days so won't have as much time to get things made.

But this time both hubby and I get to go visit at the same time. Should be fun. Of course will have to take some handwork along. So how's your summer going?!

Be back in a bit, got to get back to work:)

Friday, July 2, 2010

July 4,2010

It's the fourth of July , celebration of freedom this weekend. Some might think it's the celebration of barbecues and ice cold lemonade and fireworks.
We think freedom just is, to do whatever we want but it is hard won and to be respected. Sometimes your freedom infringed on someone elses So I will try to respect you this holiday and hope you try to respect me.
And I hope you have a glass of ice cold lemonade along the way.

From the bears and me:0)