Previous Bears & Animals

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

And in a manger a baby was born...
And there was born a reason for hope, that whether we deserved it or not we could have redemption, we can love one another even in the most difficult of situations. And these days have been that.
This holiday season I am grateful for all those that showed me joy, wishing me a merry Christmas as we bumped into each other along the way. That hasn't happened this often in a long time. So if you see some one smiling at you for no reason or wishing you a good day, that will be me..,. because it feels so right. Good cheer to you and yours!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Cookies For Christmas

Let's make shortbread cookies.

Umm, we sift the powdered sugar...

...then we beat in the flour.

Ok, now cut out the cookies,

that's good!

Turned out great! Now back to making that bear.

So let's sew you...

Hey what's that I smell? Are those cookies?!

Wait, come back here you!!

Get down off that stove right now!

Ok. Just hand me a cookie. Sigh.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good cookie!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2012

Why am I thankful today. Every day. Because I love and am loved. I have friends in my life, family. I have a place to live. I can walk and most times I can remember what I was going to do. And I have joy.
That doesn't mean I don't have problems like everyone else, I just remember all the things I have survived to be here and I am thankful and grateful to be here and to keep on trying.

Be blessed today, I am thinking of you with love. I am thankful for you!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Renningers Extravaganza November 2012

So sorry you missed it! Great crowds, great weather! Hehe and great finds!

This book from the 1800's has great illustrations.

Like this and

this one.

Found great buttons

These are only a few of them.

That's four different types of trim. You'll be seeing that on a bear later!

And how about that sweater and the antique dress! So fun.

Happy to say there have been some changes at Renningers in Mt. Dora, more food options, more seating to eat and it's covered from sun and rain!

And my favorite, the covered vendor area that is open in the sides has been changed so each space is more open to the public and much more inviting. They have really stepped things up. It's like going into little boutique stalls now. Just fun, I was able to look at things better.

Can't wait till the next one in January!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hunt Valley Show Review 2012

Well, this was after I got my table st up for the show.

This wonderful piece is by Ingrid Norgaard Schmid of Bears N' Company.

One of Yenke's pieces. Such a wonderful donkey.

Part of Penny French holiday display. She came in second for the display contest.

Cindy McQuire's pig sharing happy smiles.

My elephants.

The show was very festive and the artists did great displays. Sorry you missed it. Next year it will be in a Sunday, November10th.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veterans Day 2012

Today is Veterans Day where we give thanks to all who have served. How do we do this? Everyday you see a service member, or a retiree remember that this is someone's child, parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, friend that put their life on the line do we can vote our minds, express our opinions, love who we choose and worship as we are led to or not led to. And as we remember this, remember to take the time to say thank you.

Thank you do much for your service. Thanks to my husband who served 23 years. You are appreciated!

From the bears and me:0)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Hunt Valley Show

Well tomorrow is the Hunt Valley Show and this is a pre- set up shot of my table in progress.

Hope you can come if you are in the area. It's looking so festive and inviting!
More photos later :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Museum Day

Thanks to the Smithsonian free museum day my hubby and I visited the Orange County History Museum.
The new exhibit , Peanuts...Naturally, featured a panel discussion, "Funny Folks Behind the Serious Business of Cartooning. Featured were Florida cartoonists, including Jeff Parker, Mark Simon, and Rob Smith Jr.

Allen Bellman and me. I got this photo with golden age of cartoon artists Mr. Bellman of Marvel comic fame, Captain America and Human Torch, when I got the autographed print below:

How lucky am I ?!

The panel discussion was great, we learned a lot about the business of cartooning, working in solitude to moving to digital forms of drawing. From paper to computer and beyond.

If you want to be a cartoonist their advice is, learn how to draw! Learn anatomy of a body, it's structure, is muscular structure. Do the work, don't copy the work of others as you are copying their mistakes! Good point.
It was great fun.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 Remembered

A broken heart heals but the scar remains,
I have but to remember to feel its pain.
But I choose to rejoice in lives lived well,
As they were ending they saved others still.
What will I do as I remember that day,
I will thank them for their bravery and take a moment to pray.

God bless 9/11 heroes, their families, friends and all of us who can never forget our worlds can change in just a few moments.

Friday, August 24, 2012

TBAI 2012 Review

The TBAI show opened with a sock hop and ice cream social reception.

Attendees doing the 'stroll' , many dressed in fifties attire. Collectors got to preview artists work:

Like these pieces.
People were excited to get into the Gallery show before dinner.

Even the artist were in line!

Penny French, Judy Eppilito and Katherine Hallam.
Gallery winner under 8" was Stevi T:

And over 8" was Lulu Tatum:

Others that placed:

This one by Dolores Austin

And this is by Ginger Braeme.
Other wonderful work:

These are by Candi Taylor , first time showing at TBAI.

This beautiful dragon was snapped up by Collins Gifts so you'll have to contact Wendy if you want it. Hehe.
And here's some of my work:

Collins Gifts also has the little Bulldog.

There was so much more not shown here so you just have to come next year to get in on the fun. That's August 23-24, 2013. The theme is Just Imagine! See you there :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

TOBY Winners Announced

The People's Choice Winners were announced at the TBAI breakfast this morning. They are:

Miniature artist. Katherine Hallam
Small bear dressed. Joanne Livingston
Small bear undressed Joanne Livingston
Large bear dressed. Bev White
Large bear undressed. Heike Buchner
Artist set or vignette Byunghwa Ahn
Small artist friends. Shelly Allison
Large artist friends. Krista griffiths
Artist nontraditional Stevi T
Best in Show Bev White for Benevolent Benjamin

From the bears and me:0)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

TBAI this weekend!

Well it's that time of year again, the TBAI show in Binghamton, New York.

I'm ready to go! Did you pack me?

If you want to come to the sales day open to the public stop by on Saturday from 10am - 3pm.

The TOBY People's Choice Awards are being given out at breakfast.
See my review soon.

From the bears and me:0)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Feed Me Bear

Went to one of my new favorite antique shops after yoga class this morning. You never know what you will see and peeking at me from atop a shelf was this grand fellow

He is an old feed me bear.

You would pull a string at the back of his head and his mouth would open waiting to be fed :)

He was priced at only $50! Not too worn, pretty good condition. Too bad I was on a search for pieces to make my work area function better!
Hope you enjoyed seeing him, I did.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Where's The Sense of It?

During the year, for school breaks etc., I give neighbor kids and kids at my church tickets to the movies. They take friends, family members and are always so excited to get the tickets. It has always given me joy to do it.
I was to give them out again in a few days, now what do I do. Don't want to not do and bow to fear and don't want to ask if they still want to go and cause them to be afraid.
Why do people always seek to take away the simple joys in life? But I firmly believe that you cannot allow others to steal your joy. It's not there's to take or to have!
So I will give my little ones the tickets , pray for their safety as always and pray for us all. God bless you in Aurora, Colorado.

From the bears and me:0)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Kids Cooking Class-Pizza

So the last cooking class of the summer is always a pizza making class? The kids love it and it uses a lot of the skills that they have learned.

They make a fresh salad, this one had spinach,walnuts, green grapes, strawberries and feta along with mixed greens.

For a treat they got to taste the fresh pineapple that my husband
grows, he has over twenty-five plants growing. His own little pineapple farm!

They make different pizzas but the favorite is always this pepperoni and sausage one. Now mine is always the chicken with pear slices, walnuts and a bit of bleu cheese. So good!

Good eating to you friends!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day 2012

Happy Fourth!

Today I am still finding my independence from clutter and working toward my right to a comfortable home!
We fight for a lot of things in our life and I hope to day, thanks to the planning and work of so many to insure our freedoms, that you find a way to appreciate your freedom.
Mine may seem insignificant, but it has been very freeing to me to let go of guilt over wrong purchases, guilt over letting go of things others have given me that I can't use and loss of loved ones.

I am exercising my right to freedom of space and thus opening myself up to real freedom in my life. What freedom will you give yourself today? Happy fourth of July all! The bears and I are looking forward to some wiggle room! :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ugh! Cleaning!

Somebody help pull me out from under this deluge of cleaning! It really does get a lot worse before it gets better. You pull things out to keep, it had to be organized. You pull things out to get rid of it had to be cleaned and bundled up to go out. And in the meantime boy is it hot with no air conditioning Lol!

I would so rather be making bears but this had to get done. To much time being sick and things put on back burner till health got better. Not over doing it and it is slow but it is getting done. Yippee!

The bears are sipping iced green tea with honey and watching my antics with glee. As long as they don't wind up in a box of giveaways they are happy!
From the bears and me:0)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Fathers Day 2012

You don't have to be a bulldog to be a good Dad but having some of the qualities doesn't hurt! Like knowing when to lay back and relax and when to growl. Knowing when to rush and how to reserve your strength until its needed. Knowing how to love unconditionally and to be loyal and protective with those you love.

And in return you get offspring that fall all over you and can't wait to grow up to be just like you!

Happy Fathers Day to our fathers. Those that knew what they were doing and those that just did their best, we love you! Thanks for being there.