Also remembered was co-promoter Alex Wilson who died two months ago. His wonderful wife Janice and children will continue on in his stead in partnership with Mark McKay. So the show continues. And Alex you will be missed.
Now on to the show:

These primitive bears, with names like faith ,hope were by 2 Friends Bears. The artists are Agnes Intelicato and Audrey Howell.
Wendy Collins of Collins Gifts showed some wonderful artists pieces like these,

The large piece is by Heidi Steiner.

Another Collins Gifts piece.
These are two of my jewelry pieces that can be worn as a pin or necklace.

Another charming animal,

Mouse with style! Artist Armella Dana.
The show tables were dressed up for fall, there were plenty of bears, some pigs, giraffes, elephants, birds, mice etc.
Collectors spent time with their favorite artists, the Toy Shoppe, Collins Gifts and bought mohair from Intercal and Edinburgh.
Author, John Lamb signed copies of his books. There was something for everyone. If you missed it you can always join the fun next year, September 9, 2012. See you then.