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Friday, October 28, 2011

Where are you Raspbeary?

September has come and gone with October following quickly on its heels. My apologies to my followers who haven't seen a post in a month. In September, my heart function went up to 40 and I was taken off the wearable defilbrilator that I had worn for six months in case my heat stopped. I feel so light now!

Two weeks into October my son survived a head on collision that totaled his car and left him with one leg with mutiple fractures and another leg with chipped bone. But he is alive, what a wonderful thing. So I have been a little preoccupied with appointments, etc.

However in the midst of it all, I saw a Sugarland concert  with my daughter(despite a fear of heights and seat in the nosebleed section,hehe), and attended a Country Living Fair. Jody Battaglia was exhibiting with Earth Angels and had her wonderful array of character pieces.I got antique ribbon, happy me.

I am also working on pieces for my last show of the year, Hunt Valley in November. Also at work on next years shows and hope to enter a piece in the TOBY awards.

Photos next posting, I promise.