San Diego, tide pools at Cabrillo State Park.

Yep I had to wear shades.

On to the show. This doll by artist Denise Bledsoe went home with me, her name is Table Scraps, made from things left from other doll making projects. Happy me!

Wendy Jane of Hearts and Homespun created this wonderful elephant and had pare mâché pieces as well as mohair bears. Folk art lovingly created. Look for her work.

Marla Go of moostoys love Japanese anime as shown by this artful bear. Had to share him with you.

Stevi T. At it again, how cute.

Diana Ussery's clever mice. You've seen her dragons, she always presents things in a different way.

An old piece, it was two or three thousand, and in great condition, large size. And this is what you missed!

Dorothy Drake receiving the Theodore Society Ambassador Award 2014 from TB&F's Amy McLoughlin.

Two my my new bears for this year, sorry one on the right found a new home.
So if you weren't at the show you weren't first to know the TOBY Industry Choice Awards, you missed artist Sharon Queen who hasn't been doing many shows and John Port, Ellen Kislingbury, Jane Woodard, Sandra Czaja among others. And we missed you. Hope to see you next year!