Previous Bears & Animals

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Aha Moment

This is my ticket for the Art of Puppetry & Storytelling program that was held at 3pm today at the Orange County Regional History Center in Orlando. It was part of the programming for the Jim Henson's Fantastic World exhibit being held until May 3, 2009.

It was narrated by his daughter Heather Henson who told wonderful tales of being on set at age seven, just the right size to wear Miss Piggy's clothes! We got to hear how Jim Henson and his collaborators worked and bounced ideas around.
Afterwards we got to see the exhibit. Looking around I was filled with such joy at being able to see his sketchwork and his beginnings of ideas laid out and felt honored. And there were actual Muppets in cases and Fraggle Rock characters and Dark Crystal. and looking at it I told my husband "This is what I do". I'm no Jim Henson but it's that detail and that need to create and the joy in doing it.It's what all artists have in common, the thread that connects us to each others work and I am a part of that. My aha moment- this is what I do- my husband says I've never said that before when looking at somebody's work that I truly admire. Today I gave myself value.


La said...

Powerful and groovy, this reviewer found the piece exciting and revolutionary...

ginger@bearbits said...

Hey Darlene, We saw a Jim Henson exhibit at the Smithsonian last year. I wonder if it was the same one. He was one amazingly creative person, wasn't he? I enjoyed it so much. Too bad we couldn't time it to go together. Wouldn't that have been fun? I'm glad you got to see it.

Darlene said...

Probably was the same it has been moving about the country. His daughter Heather lives in Orlando. It would have been great fun to go with you.