First happy St. Patricks Day to all! Doesn't that rose petal look like a face?! It's from my rose bush at home.
The show had good traffic, lots of peole in all day. Berdine Creedy, doll artist and Caroline Jackobson, bear artist were among the participants.
And just so you know to wait for what you want let me tell you how prices can differ. Last year at Renningers I found bottle brush trees for a dollar apiece. One here was forty- five dollars.
This little buggy was fifteen dollars from Carolyn.

Another dealer had one exactly the same but it had been painted over and it was forty-five dollars. So just be sure to have an idea what things are worth so you'll know if you're getting a bargain or just getting taken.and if you really want it, what you pay is your business:0)
There was great food, oh the bar-b-que sandwiches and cheesecake! The promoters did a really great job. I would do the show again.
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