Previous Bears & Animals

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sneak Peek

Thought you'd like to see a sneak peek at what I'm doing. This goes with apiece I'm making.

Anyone for carrots? What you don't like your carrots with faces?! Hehe :)


The Bear's Blog said...

Well, of course I like carrots with little faces - just as long as they aren't for eating. (o:

My guess - there is a bunny to go with that carrot. Yes?


vladsbtch said...

Can't wait to see what you put with the carrot. Love it!

KristiKringle said...

Your carrot is great! He reminds me of one of my favorite antique postcards that has carrots with faces on them doing things together by artist Arthur Thiele in the early 1900's. Your carrot is fun and has a lot of personality.