Previous Bears & Animals

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving and Chanakah 2013

I am sure most people would look at me and see a stern person, but I am so thankful that I get to let that giggling child inside of me out in my bear making and creating other art pieces. That child got closed off early in life. But I am joyful and thankful for all those around me that allow me to be by letting that child in me feel welcome.

This time of year it's so great because we all become children again as we come together and remember old stories, old friends and family we love and miss. We are all angling for the biggest piece of dessert, the best seat at the table or in front of the tv. Kids looking up to the ones we love for the reassurance that we matter and all is ok.

I am thankful for you, for those who are here and those who aren't , for those who would love to be here and can't. Be blessed, feel joy and laughter in your heart and let it out, let it spread.

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