Previous Bears & Animals

Friday, January 2, 2009

Joy in the new year

Some people go through their life waiting for it to begin and others sit
around waiting for the end of theirs as if somehow this amounts to the real business of actually living it. I don't wait around for the next birthday or regret the present one because I'm here. I go through my life with the joy of doing something that makes me happy, creating art pieces that you can hold and play with and just look at if you want.
Yes, we are going though difficult times and art is considered a luxury item.Some will find it beyond their reach for awhile, but this is in my heart to create and I can't give that up, you never volunteer to give up your joy.
Some will be lookers this year instead of buyers, but I hope they will get that same look of unmitable wonder and joy that I get when I look at someone's work that just speaks to me - glad to have had the opportunity to experience it.

It's January, see you at:
Crossroads Teddy Bear, Doll & Antique Toy Show & Sale - Jan. 10.11,2009
Susan Quinlan Doll & Teddy Bear Museum & Library - Jan.12,2009
IDEX - Jan.30-Feb.1,2009

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