This past week has been spent getting ready for the Bright Star Tampa Bear Show being held Sunday, February 22nd. Yet there is no work done. Oh, I have been working but it goes like this.Sewing body parts, painting boxes, oops that design won't work, ummm start over. Wait stop, the old sofa bed is dead, guys we need to move that one out of the work room and move in the sofa from the bedroom. So stop what I m working on ,clean stuff out and move that in, only takes a day. Rearrange, wait how did all this stuff fit in here before?! Well Cindy will have to sleep on the sofa bed in the living room after the show, with the Christmas tree I bought on sale off the display floor so it has no box to break it down into so it can be put up and who has time to look for a box so it is still in the living room where I plopped it.
My friends haven't seen me in weeks so I take off another day to go to the farmer's market and flea market.Find very little at the flea market but the vegetables are great and Keith(hubby) makes a great spaghetti sauce with the different peppers. Come on, I do not cook when I get ready for a show. I bought a new lasagna pan and when my son saw it he peeked in the workroom, me covered in excelsior and fabric and wanted to know when I was making lasagna. He got' the' look and said "I mean later, when later", and off he went.
So I keep working on two pieces that have to go out and get part of the piece for the show done, get part of a piece done that has a photo deadline and begin to see progress. But it is Friday, and I have not packed the bears or my clothes and have three pieces to finish today. This weekend is antique extravaganza at Rennigers in Mt. Dora and I will miss it, ugh! Tomorrow starts a huge scrapbook and stamp fair in Maitland. Why do all the fun things I love to do happen when I
have a show?!
What a week, See you in Tampa:) Me and the bears