How did the show go and how was the attendance? It was slower than last year but stores were there buying but they were looking for things they haven't seen that is'nt like what they have bought before, so artists check what you are doing, are you still making the same bear you did two years ago and passing it off as new.Remember we want to give collectors a reason to come back to us and to the stores, let's generate some excitement this year and fun.We all need that.
And collectors came to the show from all over to buy bears, how great is that. I am happy because they liked my show special:) and you will be able to get my bears at The Toy Shoppe in Richmond,Va. (who will be carrying the Story Teller Series), and Pretty Things(Milton, Fl.), and Village Bears(Sarasota,Fl.).
So if you are a collector please visit these shops when you are in their towns.
Other bear artist that were presenting their new work were Sue McKay from Canada, Jane Woodard, Sharon Lederer, Bev White, Annette Rauch and Marion Finhold both from Germany,Janet Wilson to name a few. Here's Sharon's Ping, Marion,s Hugo Buttenhain and Annette's Chiara or babys breath.
And now i have to get to work on orders so the bears and I are working...at home.
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