Previous Bears & Animals

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


When I get up in the morning, I take a pill, do my exercises,take my blood pressure ,clean the cat's litter and then feed the cat. Then I do whatever the day call for, whatever is on the schedule. But if you interrupt that routine, something gets left out and I get all confused about what did I do or didn't get done.

Well add to the mix a husband who is on vacation and you don't know if you are coming or going. Now my husband works all the time,so we keep Saturdays just for us, but his job has changed and now he gets part of July and August off again. For him that means sleeping late watching, shows that have me feeling my intelligence drop by the minute, but I try to keep him company. I enjoy him, just not his routines! So I haven't posted as the day just escapes from me as I keep him company running around instead getting work done. Does he realize that I am not on vacation, no probably not. He just knows I can make my own schedule. But I do have a schedule! Nobody believes self employed people really work.

He is going to visit our daughter tomorrow for a few days, they are both on vacation. Think I'll try to get back into my routine before he gets back and get some work done. Boy, I'm going to miss him when he goes back to work. Catch 22:)


Lisa said...

I love this! Hope you get to enjoy your husband and get some work done!
Hugs, Lisa

Darlene said...

Hi Lisa,
He's off to Atlanta and I'm trying to make a pattern work, didn't quite like that new pig! shh, don't tell Jimsey:)