There were all kinds of make it and take it events and v endors from all over.
Managed to find some wonderful things to enhance the bears and make them happy.
I'll get to that in a minute.
The quilt's are designed by Elisa Wilson who was selling templates. you can check out her site at www.BackPorchDesign.com
Ye Olde Outhouse had some wonderful country offerings. Owner, Beatriz E. Kunkle would be happy to have you visit at yeoldeouthouse.com

It was hard to decide what to get, but I'll be back! If you want to see it's craftysecrets.com
Didn't get a photo because I was too busy buying but Bello Modo had wonderful jewelry findings, charms and all that good stuff, look it up at bellomodo.com
Well, since you didn't get to go hope that gives you a couple more sources to use for your projects. Or maybe you'll just have fun window shopping. I always do!
Back to work.
Hi Darlene,
Thanks for the link! I was just looking through my cards and saw yours and thought I would look you up and saw you had a picture. Thanks!! I hope you enjoyed the show.
Nice Blog :-)
Hi Elisa,
Yes. It was a good show, your quilts are wonderful, hope you get lots of visitors to your site!
come visit anytime,
hugs and joy.Darlene
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