Previous Bears & Animals

Monday, May 3, 2010

Greater Orlando Doll Club show review 2010

Went to the show in Maitland to set up, it was a beautiful day and despite the walk/run event also going on, we got a parking space.
Here are some of the new pieces I had for the show, despite forgetting to take my new ducks!

That's my regular 17 inch giraffe with the new smaller 14 inch giraffe.

This is another small guy wearing antique doll clothing.

This is a Johnny Gruelle book I got at the show, look at one of the beautiful illustrations from the inside below.

I also found more old clothing that will look great on some elephants and bears. Look for those soon.
The show had a great turnout and people were buying and staying awhile. It was great. Next year hope to remember the ducks!


Sayani said...

hi there I really liked the piece of your was so nice browsing the pics...

keep sharing :)


Darlene said...

Thank you Sayani,
Glad you liked the pictures,

Hugs and joy,Darlene

minikathy said...

Darlene, I was at the table next to you at the show. I saw your folding doll bed picture and wanted to let you know there is one posted on ebay right now with a starting bid of 175.00!!

Darlene said...

Hi minikathy,
That is amazing as I didn't pay that much! Thanks for letting me know.

Hugs and joy, Darlene