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Saturday, October 9, 2010

37th Annual Winter Park Autumn Art Festival

Went to the art festival this morning with my hubby. Yes, still walking slow, but walking. It was worth it. The autumn show is all Florida artists.

We went early so it wasn't too crowded and the weather was wonderful.

Gabriel Puyana of J.G. Puyana Designs had some fascinating work. He calls it utopian glass architecture. He can be reached at 407 671-4433.

Patrick Pierson's work is full of joy and mystery. You can see more of his work at his gallery, Fyshwerks Studio Gallery.

Did I get anything? You bet! I got a print of this...

It's by Larry Humphrey. His email is LHUMPH@ATLANTIC.NET
It was taken in Chios, Greece. Wish you could have seen his other photography. Just beautiful.

Find a art festival and find your next great piece of art!


Unknown said...

Other than the fact that you've been crippled up...why are you exhibiting instead of or in addition to BUYING???? You're a Florida artist!!!!

Unknown said...

OOops, that was to read.....why are you not exhibiting??