This is one of my pieces, Pokey Elephant that sold and I took orders on.

Wild Bear was a big seller. He's wild cause he doesn't even wear a ribbon round his neck.

As promised this Cindy McGuire of China Cupboard Bears with one of her cute pigs. She also had a wonderful donkey everyone was admiring.

This is one of Nancy Latham's new Wabbits. Known more for her dolls, she is back making bears and wabbits too.

This is Leo by Irene Heckel who also did a needle felting class.

This sloth was by Annette Rauch. The ties on it are just great! It can even hang from a branch.
Other bear artists at the show were Janet Wilson, Bev White and Sue McKay. Felicia Hymer of Bear Scouts, Good bear of the World and World of Miniature Bears were also showing great bears. Hope you enjoyed seeing some of the pieces shown.