Not for Kermit anyway. This week is Earth day(April 22) and Arbor day(April 24) and I thought you like to know how we bear artist are being green.
Reduce - We reduce the amount of fiber goods being added to landfills, that's old clothing old furs etc.( we can't recreate the lost lives but we can make something good out of something sad).we reduce the amount of energy used by carpooling to shows and sharing rooms. We use less fuel (not counting side trips to fabric and antique stores along the way).
Reuse - When something doesn't work an artist is the first to take it apart and make it into something else. We reuse displays, packing boxes and our patterns that we change and adapt.
Recycle - We use and re-purpose previously owned materials(antiques) in our products. Old coats are turned into bears or bear clothing, even the linings are used, and old books are turned into research libraries to inspire new designs. We pick up what others don't or won't use and make it useful again, wanted again and beautiful again.
That picture is taken from the trail near my house, and that view is why we do what we do, it's not easy being green but it sure is worth it. Save a tree, save a planet.
So very eloquently said.
I love it!
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