So I am in Atlanta, ok Lawrenceville. The flight was uneventful, there was a very young military wife on board with her three month old baby girl, who is waiting to join her husband in Germany.
Such a cute baby and she was very good. Our flight arrived early, so early we had to wait to go to the gate.
But my daughter was waiting for me and we went straight to dinner at one of her favorite places, R. Thomas, and it was wonderful. It has great atmosphere and the food was just great. She's vegan so she had the vegan burger with home fries and I had the grilled chiken sandwich with shoestring ginger beets. And the desert, white chocolate cheescake with raspberries,(seriously!) for me, and my daughter had vegan hummingbird cake, both wonderful.
Now I respect the fact that my daughter is vegan so, my husband and I don't eat meat in her home when we visit, only out at restaurants. So this was a place we could both enjoy ourselves. When she visits us, I'm taking her to the new vegan restaurant in Winter Park, Fl. Just as soon as I remember where it is, he he he. I put that review in a safe place, which means I might not find it. Oh well I'll have to call the newspaper to find out where it was.
Hope you had a good meal too.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Another Peek

OK, so here's your next chance. This character is another piece of the puzzle of my gallery piece for TBAI:)
Can you guess what it is?
Any guesses on how it fits in?
HeHE, this is fun!
Well, I leave for Atlanta Saturday for a visit with my daughter
and then on to her best friends wedding in Missouri.
I will try to get good photos to share. And I'll be checking to see what you guess and add another photo puzzle piece.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Remember - Memorial Day 2009
My husband served his country for 23 years in the the US Navy.He retired a chief, having declined being an officer to work with the men, though he helped others become officers. There are so many that have served that have never heard the word thank you.
Thank you. I thank my husband who served with dignity, pride and determination. I thank all the men and women who gave their time,their choices, their limbs, their minds, their lives with all my heart.
I thank their families, their friends and all those that love our military members and will miss them this day and I will pray for them and us all, for peace in our lives and in our hearts.
Thank you. I thank my husband who served with dignity, pride and determination. I thank all the men and women who gave their time,their choices, their limbs, their minds, their lives with all my heart.
I thank their families, their friends and all those that love our military members and will miss them this day and I will pray for them and us all, for peace in our lives and in our hearts.
Friday, May 22, 2009
No Guesses,So...

This is another photo of my new bear for my gallery piece for
TBAI. By the way, the song I picked was 'Heat Wave' as in we're having a heat wave.... it isn't surprising the temperature's rising...
And you will have to wait for the next installment on this to see what it will look like he he he:)
I'm a stinker aren't I?!
Sneak Peek
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
New in The Workroom

Well, here they are, some of what I've been working on. The pink elephant is Cymbella, and she wears a faded old pink dress and a cross grain ribbon tied neatly into a bow on her head. She is the only elephant ,so far, to have striped legs.
The male elephant hasn't been named yet but his outfit is flannel with the same cross grain ribbon trim and true to the regular elephants doesn't have striped legs. He is gray with tan undertones.
The Blue Bunny, is a special order from my daughter who after seeing the blue bear insisted on having a blue bunny, so here it is
dear. Hope you like it!
So it's back to the workroom for some other pieces that are asking why they aren't finished yet and how did the other ones get to be finished first. That's why I only work on three at a time and keep the others in my bag where they can't see everything!
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thought I'd let you know I've been busy. Not with this guy. He went home with his new owner at the last show. He was a special order.
But I am working on new Le Cirque pieces, and completely changing my Gallery piece for TBAI in August. I've done it before. I think what a great idea and then when I execute it, things are not what I want them to be, but now I think I've got it by george!
Anyway all this has kept me from writing, but excited about how the new pieces are coming out and barely containing myself from getting new photos up! Stay tuned.
Friday, May 8, 2009
All Aboard

My dad worked the dining cars, one uncle worked the private trains for the likes of the Rockefellas and Aaron Spelling. It was a great job to have back then for a black man and my family was proud to work the trains.
It's a great way to travel, watching history go by as you wind your way through crevices that make you wonder how they achieved such feats. Yes, I know on the backs of sweat and tears. Yet it prevails as a testament to dedication, hard work and hard workers like the men in my family who served so they could provide for their families.
I love trains. I love the sound of the wheels on the track, the views out the window and the sense of being in a different time when you ride a train.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Looky What I Found!

This lovely bed actually folds up, and that great print is on both ends of the bed.

A Red theme here it seems. Found this old edition of The Little Brown Bear by Johnny Gruelle and those red shoes are going to have to go on an really large bear, for me anyway.
And these are a peek at a couple of the doll dresses and aprons that I picked up. You'll see them all put together soon in some character pieces. What fun.
Monday, May 4, 2009
More Show

This is the other end of my table at the show and those are the elephants that sold to two friends. They plan on visiting each other so they can see the other one.
Sharing with friends is such fun!
And to my collectors, thanks for letting me in on the joy. Smiles and hugs to all of you( and my Friends).
Greater Orlando Doll Club Show Review 2009

Just below is a view out the window of one of three trains that passed by on Saturday during the show. I love trains so it was wonderful to have that view. It was a very good show with lots of people through. Yes, they were buying, just considering their purchases carefully. As we all should.

This is a side shot of my table, the grey bears are sort of disappearing into the background but
I had fun making it look like the one bear wanted to get up higher with the others:)
The club gives you coffee and doughnut when you set up which is nice, and they check on you during the show. Everyone in the club had on a pink t shirt so they were easy to spot. And yes, I'd do the show again!
The Le Cirque elephants found homes and a new duck didn't last two minutes on the table so there are no pictures:( Well I'll know better for next time and more are on the way.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Le Cirque Lion
Lion in The Midst

This is one of the lions standing, though this photo is showing darker than the lion actually is. This is one of the new Le Cirque lions. It is hand painted, and detailed .The fabric starts out in an off white colour before I get hold of it.
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