Thought I'd let you know I've been busy. Not with this guy. He went home with his new owner at the last show. He was a special order.
But I am working on new Le Cirque pieces, and completely changing my Gallery piece for TBAI in August. I've done it before. I think what a great idea and then when I execute it, things are not what I want them to be, but now I think I've got it by george!
Anyway all this has kept me from writing, but excited about how the new pieces are coming out and barely containing myself from getting new photos up! Stay tuned.
I really like this bear. Could we see the rest of him sometime?
Oh I can't wait! Let us see them when they are done!
Ginger, I'll post the full photo.
Lisa, wait till you see the pink elephant! I will post those photos soon.
tired but having fun,Darlene
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