Met bear artist, Jane Woodard and bear collector and writer, Beth Phillips for lunch. They had already been exploring just like me! It was a great day, there were some old bears out there but the prices were pretty up there too. Not much luck on old toys either. One vendor had a sampleman's piano bench but I couldn't see paying $125 for it when another vendor had a regular child size one selling at just $36. So you just have to be aware and look around. So what did I find? Ahh!

Vintage bottle brush trees

Buttons, buttons, buttons! To sew on and to pin on!

Doll clothing that will show up on character bears soon.

A 1934 Popeye card game, cause as a kid Popeye was my favorite cartoon.

And just a sampling of the old prints I was lucky enough to pick up. If you get the chance - Go! Your lucky find is waiting for you, and maybe we'll meet for lunch!